Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractBarcodeOverlay

Use this if you want to see barcode outline visually.

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Draw barcode outline with default paint.

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data class Brush(var fillColor: Long = 1296750468, var strokeColor: Long = 4283094916, var strokeWidth: Float = 2.0f)

Brush class

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abstract class Graphic

Base class for a custom graphics object to be rendered within the graphic overlay. Subclass this and implement the Graphic.draw method to define the graphics element. Add instances to the overlay using OverlayView.add().

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abstract class StaticOverlay : Graphic

StaticOverlay class

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abstract class ViewFinder : StaticOverlay

Possible options are rectangle type and laser type.

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class ViewFinderLaser(widthPercent: Int) : ViewFinder, RequiredContext

ViewFinderLaser class

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